How often are we asked why?
As my kids learned to talk, most of the questions they asked began with why.
"Why do I have to eat that?"
"Why do I have to go to bed?"
"Why is the sky blue?"
The list of why questions were endless! I recently was faced with asking myself this same question. This came in a time of my life after my divorce and an unsuccessful sale of a start up business that I had contributed to growing to nearly 12MM in just under eight years. Single mom, no income...you get the picture.
My why was simple - create a life of balance that allows me to pursue my passions, while empowering people and generating profit. It's starts with understanding what motivates you, outside of making money. Here are 3 questions to ask:
1. What gets me out of bed each morning?
We have all had times in our life where an alarm isn't needed and we are ready to start the day. What was the driving force behind that?
2. What is one positive thing that I hear consistently from people?
Are you good at organizing? What about motivating others? Focus on that one positive trait. If you are not sure, ask those that are closest to you for their honest feedback.
3. What is the one thing you want to change?
If you change yourself, you change your business. Early on as an entrepreneur, I learned that it was impossible to separate work and life. Rather than work life separation, it became work life integration. In order for success in the business, I had to start with the one thing that I could change - ME. Mindset, micro goals and accountability were key factors in initiating change.
What is YOUR why and how do you integrate that into your business? Is what you are doing today creating more time to pursue your passions? I would love to know your why!
Connect with me at wendy.tibbetts@apexprosus.com.